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#born_to_be_nerd — Meet Myroslav Harmatiy


Anastasia Andon


Brand Marketing Manager

6 min read

6 min read

#born_to_be_nerd is one of our features where we introduce you to the creators at NERDZ LAB.

Today, you’ll meet Myroslav, a Web Lead at NERDZ LAB.

Article content:

How did your journey at NERDZ LAB begin?

My career at NERDZ LAB started right after Russia’s full-scale invasion. I spent its first month volunteering, trying to help in any way I could. This period was a turning point for me; it made me reflect on my life and realize I wanted a change.

The decision to switch careers wasn’t easy, but a feeling that I could do more and grow in a new direction pushed me toward it. Volunteering taught me the importance of community, helping others, and not standing on the sidelines during tough times.

born to be nerd myrko

The job search went quickly. A few of my friends who worked at NERDZ LAB said that the company opened a web developer position, and it felt like the perfect fit.

Learn more about NERDZ LAB here.


What inspires you in your work?

First and foremost, it’s the people. For me, good communication within the team is crucial. It’s about more than just work; it’s also about sharing memes, exchanging ideas, and telling funny stories. This kind of atmosphere fosters strong bonds among colleagues, which positively affects overall productivity and team spirit.

For example, I love my “desk neighbors,” Ania and Maksym. We can always cheer each other up or provide support during tough times. Colleagues like these become more than just coworkers; they become true friends who can talk about both work and life with you.

Learn more about the Scandinavian model of management here.

born to be nerd myrko

Growth is another source of inspiration. As a Web Lead, I find it important to grow personally and create all possible conditions for my department’s professional development. This could be through lectures, new project tasks, or conversations about the latest technologies. I always give my colleagues a direction in which to move, helping them apply new knowledge and skills in their work.

This kind of work definitely motivates me (probably just like anyone in my position). Seeing others succeed in their learning or work and feeling proud to have contributed to that is incredibly inspiring. I find great satisfaction in seeing my colleagues progress, discover new opportunities, and apply their newly acquired knowledge in practice.

born to be nerd

What advice can you give to web developers just starting their careers?

A successful start in web development involves mastering some fundamental skills. I’ve highlighted a few key areas to focus on:

  1. Communication skills: Effective communication is crucial for working in a team, discussing projects, and resolving conflicts. It helps you understand your colleagues better and convey your ideas clearly.
  2. Basics of JavaScript (JS) and Web Development: These are essential for any front-end developer.
  3. REST API: Understanding how to work with RESTful APIs is important for integrating front-end applications with back-end services. This lets you create complete web applications that interact with servers.
  4. Git: Version control is an integral part of development. It allows you to track code changes, collaborate on projects, and avoid conflicts.

I also suggest choosing a favourite library or framework. This way, you could focus on mastering one tool in depth and building your expertise in it.

Beyond technical skills, it’s important to have a desire for learning, a drive for growth, and a willingness to embrace new technologies. Time management also plays a key role. Organizing your time effectively helps you juggle work tasks, meetings, and learning, even under challenging conditions like power outages.

Your network is the best source of knowledge. Build connections with people who can and want to share updates, recommendations, and experiences with you. Networking helps not only during the learning phase but also throughout your career, helping you avoid mistakes that others have made.

Finally, don’t be afraid to take responsibility for new and unfamiliar tasks. The internet is full of resources to help you figure things out. Being passive never leads to growth. Meanwhile, an active approach to learning and work will open up new opportunities and prospects for you.

Why did you choose a career in web development, and how do you see it evolving over the next 10 years?

Six years ago, I would have said that web development wasn’t for me. But over time, I realized I wanted to give it a try. The entry barrier was relatively low; it was easy to start, and above all, I just loved seeing the visual results of my work.

As for the future, it’s hard to predict exactly how my career might evolve as web development progresses every day. It can be challenging to keep up with all the latest trends. To stay current, I recommend following these YouTube channels, which I monitor to get news and learn new things:

  • Theo – t3․gg: Offers fascinating content about modern web technologies and practices.
  • Kevin Powell: Specializes in CSS and layout, explaining complex concepts in plain language and with visual examples.
  • Programming with Mosh: Mosh is probably the best-known instructor in the world of programming, covering a wide range of topics from basics to advanced concepts.
  • The Coding Train: Talks a lot about basic programming, algorithms, and other fundamental aspects of programming.
  • Offers a wide range of courses, from programming to DevOps. It’s a great resource for those who want to dive deeper into web development.
  • Fireship: Discusses various tools, technologies, and news in web development in 100 seconds, updating you on the latest trends.

Advancing in web development requires continuous learning and adapting to new technologies and practices. It’s important to stay open to new knowledge and not be afraid to tackle new things that might seem difficult or unfamiliar at first. Your progress depends not only on your technical skills but also on your ability to adapt to changes and your constant desire to improve.

Do you have free time, and is it enough for your hobbies? How do you spend it?

I have plenty of free time and try to balance work and rest. My biggest passion now is cooking. I love digging up cool recipes on Instagram and recreating them in real life.

This love for cooking—and my friend who makes great sauces—inspired me to try my hand at making them, too. My all-time favorite is blackcurrant sauce, which pairs wonderfully with cheese or syrnyky, Ukrainian farmer cheese pancakes. It’s a fun way to add creativity to my daily life.

born to be nerd myrko

I also work out regularly. You can find me at the gym almost every day. Right now, I’m challenging myself to master different types of jump rope exercises. It’s a great way to stay fit and add variety to my workouts.

Recently, I’ve also started exploring 3D printing. In particular, I’ve been making landing gear for drones and learning to model more complex objects. I’m also planning to join the DrukArmia initiative to print parts for the military.

Learn more about: “Our Position on Russia’s War Against Ukraine.”

born to be nerd myrko

What are your favorite movies, music, or books?

I enjoy a wide range of music, from classic hits to modern tracks. Some of my favorite artists are ABBA, 50 Cent, and $UICIDEBOY$.

One of the books that made a lasting impression on me was Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.

What’s a place you’ve visited that you’d recommend to others?

Camping Fain Lunca Bradului is a fantastic campsite in Romania, en route to the famous Transfagarasan. This place has a serene and welcoming atmosphere. Here, you can enjoy nature, escape the big-city hustle, and soak in the beauty of Romanian landscapes.
