От халепа... Ця сторінка ще не має українського перекладу, але ми вже над цим працюємо!
От халепа... Ця сторінка ще не має українського перекладу, але ми вже над цим працюємо!
Maryna Kostyuk
HR Manager
5 min read
True, 2020 has been a stunning year so far. The COVID-19 surely is the pinnacle of all the chaos and turmoil, and we do hope there’s nothing worse in store for us. While we slowly get out of the lockdown and it seems that people and businesses start to raise their heads up, there’s no telling as to whether this story is over or not. Today, we are not going to once again reiterate the importance of hygiene, wearing masks, washing hands, and all that good stuff. Instead, let’s see how we can finally get out of quarantine so as to stay mentally healthy. Moreover, let’s see how and why would getting out of the lockdown ever compromise your mental health.
During the quarantine, society was divided into two camps, those looking forward to getting out of quarantine and those who got accustomed to it and felt quite well in self-isolation. In these two camps, people were divided as well. Some got really deep into self-improvement and self-exploration by taking care of their health, installing all the possible healthcare applications, doing home workouts, meditating, and trying to stay generally occupied during the lockdown, and those who just kicked back, watched TV, played video games, and snacked their way through the quarantine. Whatever kept you going. Even though all of us tried to find the way to pass time and get the most benefit out of these weird times, many are completely exhausted by the quarantine.
Some people experienced a significant worsening of their mental state, which is exactly why many would require some healthcare solutions to improve their condition and make their great escape from the quarantine less stressful.
We’ve all got to prepare for getting back to normal and restore our usual lifestyle, and while some might be cherishing every moment of finally getting out of their home, the others might experience some serious pressure and stress throughout this process. Preparing for the great lockdown exodus is a very individual thing, and that is why you need to pay attention to how you feel and act accordingly notto risk your mental health.
In crisis psychology, there are several stages of overcoming the crisis but everyone has their own way out of it. This, of course, depends on a variety of factors starting with your individual characteristics and ending with your social environment. Right now, we are going to take a look at the basic stages of overcoming the crisis:
The first stage is shock. A stage at which an individual cannot evaluate the situation and react properly as the basic instincts take their toll making it nearly impossible to adequately analyze the situation and respond to the stress in the most effective manner.
The second stage is denial. We’ve been locked down for almost three months now, and since day one, most of us could not accept the reality of having to stay at home for weeks. Truth be told, if we were told it was going to last for three months back then, most people would totally freak out. Still, most of us deny the fact that it has been three months now and that the quarantine is not completely over just yet.
The stage of aggression is more clearly defined and visible than other stages as people would usually express their emotions explicitly and act aggressively being pushed to the edge. Aggression is the most dangerous of the stages as it might produce negative effects upon the individual and their mental health. That is why so many people try to manage their anger and avoid those bursts of aggression. Some people would use physical exercises to channel their anger and use it for self-improvement. To do this right, picking a decent mental health application might be a good idea, so you should totally consider this option.
– Share your negative feelings, not hold them in. Share your experience in a calm and considerate manner, let people know how you feel, and do not restrain yourself too much.
– Sport and Meditation. Exercises relieve stress and make you feel better. Here are some ideas on what Fitness application to choose:
– Try art therapy. If you draw, sculpt, or describe your aggression in a verse, it will allow you to live it and let it go faster. Just give your anger some form and shape and get rid of it.
– Shout out loud. If anger suffocates you, you can plug your face into a pillow or go into the forest and unleash a mighty scream at the top of your lungs. Just let it out, you’ll feel better.
The worst stage, which can also be the longest, is the depressive period. Any restrictions lead to the fact that a person can’t meet their own needs, do what they want, and exercise their rights and freedom on a full scale, and these restrictions might result in a severe and even crippling depression. Sadness and apathy are the states we put ourselves in and it is in our power to pull ourselves out. The main idea here is to keep pushing through as this period of stagnation, depression, and sadness will soon end. And again, there is going to be an opportunity to move, travel, and meet people. Here’s an app that can help you track your mental state and keep an eye on your progress:
– Moodpath is not therapy or a substitute for it but a way to track your condition. The app provides helpful information and gives you advice on what to do in particular situations when you feel down.
In times of depression, it is essential to finally understand yourself and what you really need. Be honest with yourself and people around you. In this state, people often change their priorities, values, and plans for the future, but if you try to grow spiritually, engage in personal development, learn something new, the transition from this depressive stage will quickly pass into acceptance of the situation and yourself in it. Acceptance is life here and now; it can give you the strength to create something new out of what you have and see the ways to obtain what you don’t have just yet. You know what they say about them lemons – make a lemonade.
Do not just wait for everything to get back to normal and for life to become just the way it was before the quarantine. The times are changing, that is for sure, and you need to prepare yourself for the changes. This might be a perfect opportunity to see the new paths you can follow. Receive the new chance, and get that new beginning.
To wrap it all up, just remember to stay focused on the positive things in life, try to avoid negative thoughts, and keep your mind and body sharp and ready for the challenge. It is essential that you prepare yourself for the changes and the difficulties that are just inevitable after the lockdown is over. The most important thing to do here is to get ready for the challenge and face the new life with all of its benefits and flaws. Stay strong and keep on pushing through!
Roman Oliynyk
QA Engineer
— 5 min read